Reflection 是一個以極簡首飾配件作為起點出發的品牌. 作為一面明鏡,我們歌頌每個人不同的面相與獨一無二的美.並期待著你能在自己的倒影中找到共鳴,看見閃閃發光的自己. 深受慢時尚, 極簡主義,以及日本侘寂美學以及禪學的啟發,我們期待除了能帶給你經過時間洗滌依然經典別緻的單品, 也能因為每個系列背後的靈感與意義賦予您心中力量與平靜.
Reflection is an online artistic lifestyle brand that primarily focuses on minimal, timeless jewelry and print design for garments and accessories. We select, design, and curate the collection which is inspired by the Japanese Wabi-Sabi aesthetic value, the Minimal and subtle aesthetics in nature, art, and literature. Also, from Zen, the philosophy of life.
We wish our collections bring you timeless style, strength, peace, and joy. Hope our pieces brighten up your day. May you find your poetry in our journey.