.How to care for my Reflection silver jewelry?
銀飾:經常配帶的銀飾可以保持光澤, 因為人體身上的油脂會在銀飾上形成保護膜。
素銀- 顏色光澤較柔和的銀飾。因時間氧化變色為正常現象,顏色變黃或變暗時,可用拭銀布輕輕擦拭變亮(當然還是因人而異-有些人喜歡氧化的自然偏黃的顏色)基本碰水ok,之後請確實擦乾,並避免配戴泡溫泉或直接接觸香水。(噴完香水再配戴飾品)
顏色光澤較具金屬光面質感的銀飾。經抗氧化處理, 基本上一年左右正常配戴下,不太需要用拭銀布擦拭。
*除非配戴一段時間有覺得顏色變暗否則不需要過度擦拭喔, 過度擦拭反而可能會把白金層磨掉。
珍珠是不怕水的, 但怕酸鹼性溶劑侵蝕,因此還是建議避免配戴洗澡(洗劑的酸鹼侵蝕性), 沒有配戴時可放在乾燥的地方,如絨布袋或盒子中。
然而, 我們建議您固定配戴在合適的手指上,避免反覆過度拉開與向內彎折,如一下佩戴在食指&一下佩戴在小指(尤其特別纖細線條設計的商品更要注意) 因為銀是很軟的材質,過度的凹折對於較纖細線條設計的商品是有可能會變形或斷裂的。請避免在摘除戒指時拉開的角度過大,基本上左右往前移動應該就能取下。
In general, Sterling silver jewelry will not oxidize easily. However, it may turn dull due to oxidation over time. Bring the shine back to your pieces simply by gently polishing your pieces with the silver polishing cloth we attached in your parcel and storage them in the ziploc bag or the gift box/cloth pouch we provided when you are not wearing them.
You can follow these simple steps to help your sterling silver jewelry last longer:
- Clean your jewelry when you notice it losing its lustre.
- Take off your jewelry if you are going to sweat ex: going to the gym, having a bath, going to a hot spring.
- Storage your jewelry in the ziploc bag/ cloth pouch when your are not wearing them to maintain their lustre.
- It is ok to shower/ wash hand with your sterling silver jewelry but make sure you proper dry it after. We tend to advise you to remove your jewelry when you going shower if you may be lazy to wipe it with soft cloth after.
- Allow perfume, lotions and creams to be absorbed into skin before putting on your jewelry.